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Jinchuan's frosted surface ultra-soft copper strip fills the domestic gap

Updated : May 31, 2024

Recently, Jinchuan Niedu Industrial Co., Ltd. developed a frosted surface ultra-soft copper strip for stamping new energy battery tabs, which becomes an upgraded product in new energy batteries. The production technology of this product has filled a domestic technological gap.


Jinchuan Niedu Industrial Co., Ltd.

The production process of ultra-soft copper strips for frosted copper tabs is a challenging issue in the field of non-ferrous metal strip processing technology. Overcoming this challenge can solve problems such as high reflectivity of smooth copper tabs during laser welding and poor welding quality.

Through repeated experiments, the project team of Jinchuan Niedu Industrial successfully developed the frosted ultra-soft copper strip products, as well as overcome the challenge of vulnerability in cleaning and grinding the frosted surface. This product is currently in mass production, in high demand in the market and has become a new economic growth point for the company.


Jinchuan Niedu Industrial Co., Ltd.

Qian Zhiguo, the production manager of the High Precision Copper Strip Division of Jinchuan Niedu Industrial, said, "After more than half a year of continuous process adjustments and trial production, we have broken through the limit of 0.08mm thickness of the existing equipment and successfully mass-produced 0.05mm copper strips. At present, these copper strips have been mass-produced and supplied. The development of these copper strips will ensure the competitiveness of high-precision copper strips of Jinchuan in future bidding processes."

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