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Longshou Mine gives priority to comprehensive utilization of resources

Updated : February 26, 2024


Longshou Mine

Over the years, Longshou Mine has been giving priority to its comprehensive utilization of various resources, while improving its equipment and methods of resources development.

In terms of solid waste, such as waste rock (slag), coal gangue, and oil sludge, Longshou Mine has achieved a 100% disposal rate, a proof of maximum efforts having been made for comprehensive utilization of resources.

To improve the comprehensive utilization rate of waste rock - the primary industrial solid waste, Longshou Mine has carried out two research projects -- "Copper Slag + Crushed Waste Rock Wet Spraying Support Technology Research" and "Crushed Waste Rock + Tailings Paste Fill Technology Research". These two projects have transformed waste rock into main supporting material as well as paste for filling mined-out areas, achieving the goal of reusing waste rock.

In 2022, a total of 300,000 tons of crushed waste rock were utilized at Longshou Mine.

Additionally, Longshou Mine has also achieved a 100 percent disposal rate for mine water.

Longshou Mine generates approximately 550,000 cubic meters of wastewater annually. Currently, the treated wastewater is stored in ponds, and is used for filling and landscaping, with the surplus being discharged into the power plant's main sewage treatment network.

Moreover, over the past five years, Longshou Mine has comprehensively developed and utilized associated resources, achieving a utilization rate that meets the design specifications and complies with relevant national standards.

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