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Jinchuan holds 2023 Mining Green Development Summit Forum

Updated : April 18, 2023

On Apr 16, the 2023 Mining Green Intelligent High-quality Development Summit Forum was held in Jinchuan Group with over 100 experts from 16 universities and over 30 mining enterprises in attendance. The experts have shared frontier achievements of the green and intelligent development in the industry and explored the future of mining through reports and discussions.

This forum was hosted by the Mining Branch of the Chinese Society for Metals and the Coal Mine System Engineering Professional Committee of the China Coal Society, organized by Jinchuan Group, and co-organized by Jinchengxin Mining Management Co., Ltd. and FENY Co., Ltd.

During the forum -- with the theme of "Green, low-carbon, intelligent and efficient" -- the participants had in-depth exchanges on issues such as new technologies for green mining of deep resources, new paths for the development of mining under “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals", new challenges for mining in the post-epidemic era, and new modes of mining talents under the vision of the Belt and Road Initiative. The summit also explored the safe and efficient development of poor mineral resources and comprehensive utilization of solid wastes in Jinchuan, new challenges, tasks, and future innovative development directions faced by the industry under new situations.


Li Shangyong, general manager and deputy Party secretary of the CPC Jinchuan Group committee, delivers a welcome speech during the event [Photo by Zhang Juncheng]

At the opening ceremony, Li Shangyong, general manager and deputy Party secretary of the CPC Jinchuan Group committee, delivered a welcome speech, introducing breakthroughs in Jinchuan's high-quality development, expressing the determination to promote digital reform strategies in various fields, and hoping to work together toward the development of the mining industry. Yang Renshu, president of the University of Science and Technology Beijing, and Cai Meifeng, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, also gave speeches highlighting the importance of a green mining system.

The following experts also delivered speeches: Wu Aixiang, former vice president of University of Science and Technology Beijing, gave his remarks entitled "Paste Filling - Transforming Technology for Green Mining of Metal Mines"; Wang Jiachen, former vice president of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), gave a report entitled "40 Years and Latest Progress of China's Top Coal Caving Mining"; Professor Zhu Wancheng from Northeastern University introduced important research achievements in rock damage and fracture and shared breakthrough progress brought by the combination of intelligent technology and safe mining through his report titled "Mechanism of Rock Damage and Fracture and Monitoring and Warning of Mining Disasters"; Chen Zhongjie, chief engineer of the No.2 Mining Area of Jinchuan Group, gave a speech titled "Research and Industrial Application of Full Solid Waste Paste Filling Technology in Jinchuan’s Mines", sharing the key technologies of full solid waste paste filling in Jinchuan  and introducing the intelligent filling system that achieves intelligent control of the entire filling system process; Lian Minjie, the chairman of Sinosteel Group, presented the historical progress of human mining activities and China's mining development with the report title "Outlook for Chinese path to modernization mine construction".


The 2023 Mining Green Intelligent High-quality Development Summit Forum [Photo by Zhang Juncheng]

Furthermore, Professor Zhang Qinli from Central South University shared the key technical solutions for safe, efficient, and economic mining under complex conditions; Luo Junjun, deputy mine manager of Longshou Mine of Jinchuan Group, shared the challenges encountered in the process of intelligent mine construction and the valuable experience and achievements recorded; Professor Ren Fengyu from Northeastern University presented the latest research and mining applications in controlling carbon emissions from mining.

The forum has provided a forward-looking and efficient exchange platform for the industry, and contributed to the consensus on the green and intelligent development direction. Each party pledged to promote the establishment of the high-quality system and industrial pattern of the mining industry.

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