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Jinchuan Group awarded the prize for scientific and technological progress in engineering construction

Updated : March 6, 2023

Recently, Jinchuan Group Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. was awarded the second prize of scientific and technological progress in engineering construction for its "construction technology of a large ferronickel rotary kiln in a high temperature and high humidity environment" by the China Association of Construction Enterprise Management (CACEM).


The certificate of the second prize of scientific and technological progress in engineering construction awarded to Jinchuan Group [Photo provided to en.jnmc.com]

The prize of scientific and technological progress in engineering construction is an authoritative award in the engineering construction industry, and reward by the CACEM to scientific and technological personnel and organizations that have made important contributions to the progress of engineering construction science and technology in China. The award of this honor marks an affirmation of the construction technology innovation of Jinchuan Group.


The construction site of a large-scale ferronickel rotary kiln [Photo provided to en.jnmc.com]

Based on the PT. Wanatiara Persada's lateritic nickel ore project and taking into consideration the characteristics of the local climate and complex geological conditions, the "construction technology of large ferronickel rotary kiln in a high temperature and high humidity environment" has adopted a number of independent scientific and technological innovation achievements and patented technologies. Through professional demonstration and optimization of construction organization, the construction of a large-scale ferronickel rotary kiln in a complex environment has been completed safely and efficiently.


The construction site of a large-scale ferronickel rotary kiln [Photo provided to en.jnmc.com]

The "construction technology of a large ferronickel rotary kiln in a high temperature and high humidity environment" of Jinchuan Group has made reasonable and reliable progress, and it has filled the gap in the construction technology of large ferronickel rotary kilns in complex geological environments in the rainforest area, obtaining outstanding social and economic achievements and leading the development of the industry.

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