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The brand of Jinchuan built with spirit of craftsmanship

Updated : February 1, 2023

Jinchuan Group Co., Ltd., is a conglomerate engaged in mining, mineral processing, smelting, chemical engineering and intensive processing. Its main products are nickel, copper, cobalt and platinum group metals, non-ferrous metal products from the calendaring process, chemicals, non-ferrous metal chemicals, and new materials of non-ferrous metals. As a major player worldwide, Jinchuan Group boasts the world's third largest nickel-copper sulfide deposits, and serves as both China's largest and the world's leading nickel and cobalt production base and platinum group metal refining center.

Six decades ago, the staff of Jinchuan established the nickel and cobalt production base, enabling the nation to resolve its lack of nickel. As a result, the brand of Jinchuan has a special historical meaning, and the company has shouldered the crucial national mission, as well as the wisdom and hardworking spirit of Jinchuan's people.


Cathode copper of "JNMC" [Photo provided to en.jnmc.com]

Jinchuan Group has 15 categories of and over 110 products, as well as 258 registered trademarks, of which 28 are registered domestically and 20 are registered abroad, covering 11 countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Italy. 

The products of rare and precious metals, including nickel, copper, and cobalt, and relevant new materials mainly belong to three product brands, namely "Golden Camel", "Silver Camel" and "JNMC". "Golden Camel" mainly covers electrolytic nickel, electrodeposited cobalt, powdered materials and rare and precious metal products, such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium. In 2018, this brand was recognized as the most influential products brand in Gansu province. "JNMC" mainly covers copper products and the brand of "Silver Camel" covers chemicals and non-ferrous metal salts. The trademark of "Golden Camel" is a "China Famous Trademark" and "Gansu Well-known Trademark"; "Silver Camel" is a "Gansu Well-known Trademark". The electrolytic nickel of "Golden Camel", the A-level copper of "JNMC", and the electric cobalt of "Golden Camel" have all been registered on the London Metal Exchange.


Nickel salt products of "Silver Camel" [Photo provided to en.jnmc.com]

Jinchuan Group has actively participated in the brand competition activities held by the local government and the industrial association. It has 30 products of famous brands in Gansu province, and 16 products that have received the Gold Cup Award for quality. Furthermore, the company has been recognized as the most influential brand in Gansu province, the leading enterprise in the national nonferrous metal industry, and the quality and integrity benchmarking demonstration enterprise in 2018. The first prize of the 5th national brand story speech competition, the first prize of the 7th national brand story passage competition, and the second prize of the 8th national brand story passage competition have contributed to the reputation of Jinchuan's brands.

Jinchuan's products are used in the crucial fields of electric power, machinery manufacturing, aerospace, the petrochemical industry and electronic battery, and also have a promising future in new energy vehicles. It is home to the national strategic reserve resources and has an irreplaceable position. After 60 years of construction and development, Jinchuan Group has the production capacity of 200,000 tons of nickel, 1 million tons of copper, 10,000 tons of cobalt, 6,000 kg of platinum group metal, 30 tons of gold, 600 tons of silver, 200 tons of selenium, and 5.6 million tons of chemicals. 

In 2022, Jinchuan Group ranked 339th on the Fortune Global 500, 100th and 39th respectively among the top 500 Chinese enterprises and manufacturers, and 59th among the top 100 Chinese multinationals.

Targeting the cutting-edged comprehensive utilization technology of nickel cobalt and the needs of national industries for the materials, Jinchuan Group has achieved a batch of independent intellectual properties, and obtained the most advanced core technologies in the world.

As a State-owned enterprise, Jinchuan Group has used its advantageous resources in technology, talent, equipment, information and capital, and striven to contribute to environmental protection, poverty alleviation and social welfare, building a world-class enterprise.

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